Friday, 19 July 2013

Patterns ...

The night before last, I watched a recording about Faberge & his Eggs as I love them & his work. As I watched (& began to have some textile 3D ideas forming), so many on-screen patterns seemed to jump out at me ... so many shapes I also have preferences for.

Then yesterday I spent some time writing a magazine article about my work - actually I've completed the initial 'draft' version & now going through it updating & putting in better phrases etc! Whist reading through its beginning (a very brief outline about me) it suddenly dawned on me that one thing I've always been fascinated with is PATTERNS.

Obviously (!), sewing ones but also knitting, crochet, embroidery, lace etc etc ... but not the actual pattern instructions but the shapes of what the results create & form. Those 'shapes' known as bodices - sleeves - cuffs - collars - pockets - bags - tops - mats - scarves - gloves - socks and so on. Typing this now, I'm reminded here of a wall-hanging I made a few years ago that has miniature dress pieces stitched (then embroidered) onto a basic 'dress shape' to form a full-size hanging:

As a dressmaker, I love fabric & consequently the weave patterns as well as any surface stitchery. I also love the inner & created shapes of mosaics, grids, architecture, kaleidoscopes & those patterns formed by mathematical equations with fractals, chaos & space being exciting. From YouTube is this to demonstrate:

And I'm making mention of all this now as I feel it to be extremely significant. I'm not sure why but possibly in the context of a direction where I shall go next or maybe how I continue with Project: Interspection.

2 x US Fashion Dolls

These 2 were the first dolls out of the "collection box" - both are American & appx. 10"/25cm tall.  They were just a lit...