Today I finally completed all my image library - a massive job that I'd been putting off for ages. Doing it has given me several creative ideas although I'm finding it difficult to 'quickly' get them down on the computer. It's a lot easier with a paper & pencil so am considering on bringing my tablet into the mix. With feet up & using the laptop, another thing on my knee is going to be awkward but will have a go & see what happens.
To try & stay focussed on the 'Interspection' piece, I'm going to add it to the list of Projects so it will be easier for me to quickly access. The above image from my library, is one I really like & simply summarises what I like to see or look at - primarily contrasts, structures & patterns.
Also, I often use made-up words or phrases that are better suited for their intended purpose. For example, my word 'Interspection' came into my head & the nearest definition is for a similar word 'Introspection'. However, my initial ideas on the project involved black & a body form & on looking up the meaning of 'Inter', this will be more appropriate.
2 x US Fashion Dolls
These 2 were the first dolls out of the "collection box" - both are American & appx. 10"/25cm tall. They were just a lit...
My day out in London at the Knitting & Stitching Show on Thursday (London) provided more inspirational ideas. Not having attended fo...
As a result of becoming VERY inspired with this topic, I've decided to start Project: Cell . I'm not sure which direction it wi...
Below is a sectional close-up of the start of one of my current projects. It's being made in paper, fabric & plastic - NOTE: the im...