Thursday 17 January 2013

I've got a Round Tuit !!

Whilst image organising during the past week, I came across the above (shown Photoshop inverted) & feel it relevant to include here. It's actually a shadow (on a footpath) of some railings & somewhat signifies what I've just completed regarding bringing all my e-worlds together here @ 'Carol Sydney' ... a main link that holds my 'working' yet separate 'arms' together.

Back in February 2009, I made my first entry on a blog & a few months later, started another one for a group of students as a means of displaying their on-going textile work. I created some others (all related to what I do within my working fields) and in 2010, decided to link them together in some form. After all, they're all my own creation & it seemed like a good & very useful idea. However, a house & work relocation into another county of the UK held me up in completing the task &, to be honest, all the things needed to continue with it were in a 'BIG MESS' and needed a 'good sort out & tidy up'.

However, over recent months, I've been forced to get on with it - in fact with both feet up & resting them, it's all I can do! And in a way, I'm very happy that I've now managed to complete that job - even though it's taken over 2 years!!!! I'd also like to mention that I'm so glad I bought a ROUND TUIT many years ago - even though I wasn't the person it was meant for !!

NOTE: It's also significant that the above image is of a footpath ... especially when at the moment I can't walk for any distance (& normally can) & my footprints are now only digital ones !

2 x US Fashion Dolls

These 2 were the first dolls out of the "collection box" - both are American & appx. 10"/25cm tall.  They were just a lit...